Χρηματοδοτούμενες προτάσεις ΠΕΒΕ2021

Κατάταξη βάσει βαθμολογίας ΠΕΒΕ2021

Acronym Principal Investigator School Title
NSWELTXDCS ALEXOPOULOS Applied Maths & Physics Development of the control system for the Electronics readout of the New Small Wheel project of the ATLAS experiment at CERN
C-S-H Concrete BADOGIANNIS Civil Eng. Investigation on the role of Light Weight Aggregates at the self-curing/healing mechanism of concrete – C-S-H Concrete
IMIGET DIAKAKI Applied Maths & Physics Implementation of Mono-Isotopic Germanium Targets for new cross section measurements
GAMA-QC GLYTSIS Electrical & Computer Eng. Reformulation of Maxwell Equations in Complex Media under the Framework of Geometric Algebra for Quantum Computing Implementation
ConcEngLP KALDIS Applied Maths & Physics Conceptual Engineering in Logic and Physics: the cases of Russell and Einstein
TORCH KAVOUSANAKIS Chemical Eng. Investigation of tumor cell heterogeneity impact on drug resistance mechanisms
VAPTISM KEPAPTSOGLOU Rural, Surveying Vulnerability Analysis of Public Transport Integrated Systems, with focus on Metro Networks
HERMES KOKKORIS Applied Maths & Physics 3HE-induced Reaction MΞ•chanism Studies
CRYOCHEM KORONAKI Mechanical Eng. Analysis of Thermodynamic, Statistical and Quantum data of Cryogenic Helium and Design of Closed System Ultra Low Temperature Cryocooler
TopMass@13TeV KOUSOURIS Applied Maths & Physics Measurement of the top quark mass using single top quark events from proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV in the CMS experiment
ACT-MTG KOUTSOUMBAS Applied Maths & Physics Alleviating Cosmological Tensions Through Modified Theories of Gravity
MICROEXPER MARINOS Civil Eng. The influence of MICROstructure on EXPansivE soil behaviouR
IULF MARKOU Architecture The Interwar Urban Landscape of Fokionos Negri Street: Documentation, analysis, interpretation.
LiSSoM PAPADIMITRIOU Civil Eng. Liquefied State Soil Mechanics
AphrOdITe PAPAYANNIS Applied Maths & Physics Aerosol clOud Interaction sTudy
UNILOG STEFANEAS Applied Maths & Physics On Universal Algebraic Logic
INESTRO TSAKIRI Rural, Surveying INtegrated tropospheric ESTimation in DORIS satellite pOsitioning
NanoModS TSAKIRIDIS Mining & Metallurgical Eng. Nano-Scale Characterization, Deformation and Failure Mechanisms in Enhanced-Performance Modern Steel
Unsafe traffic event YANNIS Civil Eng. Exploring the relationship between unsafe traffic events and crash occurrence